Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Interview on Paul the octopus.
Mdm Riah, Teacher , South Korean fan

She is the form tutor of 1E1 and teaches several sec 1 class maths. We interviewed her in her staff room, about her point of view on Paul the Octopus.- By Rachel(1E4) & Fattah(2E4)

After making stardom for the prediction of England v Germany, Do you believe in his predictions.
-No, not really, Paul was just lucky, and was probably attracted to the colours of the flags.

What do you think about Paul?
-Each animal have its own intelligence. But I don’t don’t believe in predicting the future, but anticipates it.

What do you think about Mani, the Parakeet?
-He is just like Paul, lucky.

So, are you in favour of Paul or Mani?
-I'm neutral.

Paul have a 100% record for World Cup, while Mani had 75%, luck or psychic?
-What do you have to say? Luck, just octopus nature. I'm not a believer.

When Paul predicted Serbia to beat Germany, do you believe every prediction after that?
-I don't believe. Frankly, it is just by chance. I mean I don't believe in this, as I'm going against the Muslim religion laws.

Do you think Germany's tourism will increase, due to Paul's "psychic" powers?
-Germany probably will have a boost in Germany's tourism. But to me, it is just a miracle/hope.. A last resort for tourism.

The workers in Paul's aquarium put 2 boxes, each bearing a flag, and Paul eats the contents of whichever team that wins. Do you think they allegedly put a nicer food in the tank that they hope the team would win, making it unfair. Have your say.
-Could be, He keeps to the boxes that has nicer foods that attracts him, same as Human nature, taking the nicer things.

Do you agree that Paul should be cooked to sushi, or calamari, for breaking the opponents fans hearts.
-No. Fans should be prepared to have a heartbreaking results when in this kind of tournaments, where there is only one ultimate winner.

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