Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Charity Bazaar

On Monday, 2nd August, East Spring Secondary School organized a Charity Bazaar. The Sec 2s were given the task of setting up a booth at the Parade Square to raise funds for the Children Cancer Foundation. All students were free to participate in the event. From advertising, to giving changes, everyone was busy. The customers, which mostly made up from the students, were satisfied with the outcome. I was also busy, advertising for my class, promoting items.

Being from a Sec 2 class, my class had set up a stall during RISE lesson for the charity bazaar. We all had a common target, which is to raise funds. My class had raised a few hundreds, thanks to our customers, probably thousand combined together with other classes. Here, I have Rachel Tan, from 1e4, giving her view on the bazaar. "I think that the bazaar is a very interesting way to raise money for the children. The duration of the bazaar was quite long so there was enough time for all the students to browse and decide what to buy. All the stalls that were set up sold very cool items and it took me quite a long time to decide what to buy."

And many people noticed that some of the ideas were creative and different from other classes. For example, my class promotes our items by giving free hugs. And we sold K-Pop items, like SHINee pouch, Domo bag. And 2n1 had a game where customers can throw wet sponge on a 2n1 student. When asked about this(ideas), Rachel replied," I think this is a very creative idea as people don't get the chance to take "revenge" on their friend in such an interesting way."

There was music in the background, as 2e1 had a song dedication programme, as one of the ways they hope to raise funds. Some of the songs remembered that was played were Waka-Waka(This Time For Africa) that was a worldwide hit during World Cup, that was sung by Shakira. Another one remembered was Baby, also widely known around the world, which was sung by Justin Bieber. Everything was fun and smooth. And the charity bazaar went as planned, the weather's nice and the crowd was huge, in every class. Hours, or days before this event, classes were filled with flyers, distributed by the students. Rachel gives her view on this. "The students stapled flyers on my class's notice board and even left messages on the whiteboard to support their class. There was Polaroid, cheese fries, frizzy float, cotton candy, and many others."

-Done by Rachel Tan(1e4) & AbdulFattah(2e4)


  1. Hey Rachel,

    check out Fattah's blog for the comments I have about this article. Well done in general, but there are some areas of improvement. Try editing your article for a second draft!

    -Miss J.Tan

  2. Hi Rachel^^
    I like how you paragraph your articles and categorize your information.The article has alot of information.For those who didn't come that day should read your article.After that,I think they'll know everything about the bazaar!:D

  3. really good description of the charity bazaar. i can really imagine it as i'm reading the article. really descriptive. so descriptive that i can imagine myself there during the charity bazaar. really nice job!
