Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RHD Article

Racial Harmony Day is an event that is celebrated annually every Singaporean. Singapore is a multi-racial country where promoting the importance of contributing to a multi-racial society is taken very seriously in all schools. This year is no exception. Many of you may wonder why Racial harmony Day is important and might even pass it off as just another typical school day. But no, Racial harmony Day is much more important than you think it is. Imagine we were still living in the period where riots were occurring every day. In this century, we are blessed that there aren't any riots going on currently. Thus, we should keep it that way.

This year, East Spring has arranged many interesting activities to up our awareness level on how Singapore came to be as peaceful as it is today. Commencing that start of all activities was the reciting of the national pledge in Chinese led by Ms Tay on Monday. Next, during assembly, a dance group performed various traditional dances for us. Their elegant and sophisticated dance moves left all of us in awe. Subsequently, we were shown videos on the riots that happened before and we were all to create a pledge on how we can contribute to our society. On Tuesday, the reciting of the national pledge was led by Mr Tan Wee Siang. Thursday, we had the long awaited Charity Bazaar. This year, the charity bazaar was closely knitted to the theme of Racial Harmony. Stalls consisted of games and food that people used to play and eat back in the Kampong days. It was definitely a fun filled week!

I think that Racial Harmony Day plays a very big part in our lives as ot reminds us of how chaotic Singapore used to be and we are extremely lucky to be living in peace now. In this era where words can easily hurt anyone, we are expected to stay humble and count our own blessings. Let us continue to keep Singapore in peace. Together, we can.

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